Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering is a big part of being a member of the CIS community. All our events are run by volunteers and there is no better way to get to know the school or other parents than to come out and get involved. If you would like to volunteer for any of the CISPTA sub-committees below, please contact us at cispta@cis.edu.hk.

School Fair Committee

The Fair is the largest community and fundraising event of the year. It brings our community together for a fun filled day with games, food, entertainment, prizes, and lots of shopping opportunities. Please go to CIS Fair Website for more information.

Community Events Committee

If you like organising events, then this is for you. Welcome back cocktails, Christmas under the Stars and Mandarin Bingo to name just a few.

Speaker Series Committee

We work to bring to the CIS community an interesting and diverse range of speakers. Referrals from the parent community are greatly appreciated.

Transport Committee

Help us improve traffic flow to and from school. We are constantly looking for more effective solutions to lessen traffic congestion in Braemar Hill.

Green Sustainability Committee

 We encourage sustainable practices amongst our community and work to develop a greener school environment. Join us if you have any green initiatives or knowledge in this area.

BOOK CLUB Committee

Our purpose is to bring our community together to discuss and learn about something that interests us, and also to have some fun together!

REACH HK Committee

Our focus is community outreach initiatives and stands for Respect, Engage, Appreciate, Collaborate and Help HK. We want to engage CIS families to learn about HK and to serve the local community.

Family Mentor Programme Committee

We want to welcome all new families and help them transition to a new school environment by pairing them up with existing families. The host family can provide sound advice and be a contact point for new families.

Primary Class Parent

In primary, each class has at least 1 class parent to help organise parental support for class activities and to initiate opportunities for parents and children to interact socially. 

Secondary Parent Year Representative

In Secondary, there are Parent Year Representatives for Years 7-13, whose roles are to support each Head of Year on class activities, provide organisational support for trips and facilitate communication between parents, the school and CISPTA.

*Find out more about being a primary class parent & a secondary year rep, please refer to
the guidelines on Documents & Archives, which requires be logged into the Portal in order to view the page.